Busy Week @ Jacaranda Hill Farm
Jacaranda Hill Farm
Updated: Mar 24, 2023
The end of our busy season, the end of the school holidays. Thank you to everyone who came to stay during the last school holidays. We had a busier October than last year. Last week back to normality. It was exhausting but well worth the hard work.

Light Sussex baby chickens
First week back at school for the kids, which means they are back into a routine. This can be a little more challenging for those on the spectrum as the change in routine or early mornings can be hard to adjust to and create anxiety. Yesterday was our first week back at CoderDojo Mandurah, which we really did miss, and we are thrilled to be back with our friends coding again.

Our CoderDojo group
We also mooved our guest cows and integrated our teenage chickens into the main pen. We also had extra days in the city for work.

Moving temporary fencing for the cows
We had an evening event for Sarah's work on Diversity, Equality, and inclusion meet and greet with Women in Technology, Western Australia (WITWA)

Presenting at the WITWA event
After all that, out comes the migraine monster for Sarah (rest until it goes away). Then we had some critical presentations/pitches to attend to visionary and strategic. We could put into practice all the hard work that went into the Curtin Ignition program using the skills Sarah learnt to present and consolidate information into a 10-minute pitch.

Eco Cabin sketch
We had an excellent discussion with Microsoft, who encouraged us to go for the Microsoft Startup Program, which we applied for and submitted Friday evening. We didn't even know this existed. So lovely to be thought of and even considered. We also had HipCamp mates visit the farm this weekend, who have been to many places in WA. Check out their Instagram feed of videos and photos. They certainly had fun. They were the first to buy some of our new merchandise, which was lovely and exciting. These also arrived mid-week. We now have mugs and bumper stickers available. We celebrated the end of our "BIG week" with a coffee and cake at the Hummingbird Cafe in Mandurah. Thank you for providing gluten-free cakes.

Coffee and Cake @ Hummingbird Cafe
Only five weeks left of our camping season at Jacaranda Hill Farm. So book in before it gets booked out, remember the weekends get booked weeks in advance 🏕
Key takeaway this week: When your brain or body says rest, do it straight away, your body recovers more quickly, and you can get back up and running again.